Muses Exp
Ready For Your Future Demand
Muses Exp-Ready For Your Future Demand

The Muses floor-mounted digital X-ray system offers hospitals easy upgrade options, simplifies operations for healthcare providers, and enhances patient comfort. Designed with clinical practicality in mind, it improves workflow efficiency and delivers high-quality imaging for diverse healthcare needs.

The multifunctional design is optimized to meet diverse examination needs, improving productivity and reducing the workload for healthcare professionals. This leads to more efficient workflows and better patient care.

The Muses Exp features a telescopic arm, enabling imaging of specialized projections like the shoulder, upper limbs, and other anatomical regions. This design meets clinical diagnostic needs while providing versatile positioning for precise radiographic assessments.

Multi-Functional Workstation
Powerful i-VisionDR Workstation
Powerful post-processing
-Advanced image curve post-processing: Gray stretch regulation/Window width and level adjustment/ Noise reduction/Contrast adjustment
-Preset bone and soft tissue window curve
-Depth optimization processing curve -Multiple measuring tools
Self-developed i-Dragon Imaging Algorithm
Unique i-Dragon image algorithm, powerful image post-processing meets the strict image quality requirement for clinical diagnosis. Noise suppression and image enhancement based on tissue density and morphology (DPE) Diagnostic Visual Optimization
Clinical Images
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Chest upright position